Oct 23 – Anaheim City Council / Parks Ban

On October 23rd, City of Anaheim City Council Meeting, 5 pm – the Anaheim City Council will re-visit the proposed Parks and Recreational Area Ban. California ROSL members spoke at the item’s introduction. View video. Join us on October 23rd!

29.               ORDINANCE NO.      6256    (ADOPTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM adding Sections 7.60.010 through 7.60.040, inclusive, of Chapter 7.60 of Title 7 of the Anaheim Municipal Code relating to child safety zones (Introduced at the Council Meeting of October 9, 2012, Item No. 16).

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I was under the impression The City of Anahiem had given up on this idea?

They introduced it into “first reading” at the last meeting without any amendments. For the October 23 meeting it is on the agenda to be adopted into ordinance, unless it undergoes any amendments. Some cities (many?) require that a proposed ordinance be “read” into the record and then at the second reading it is adopted, and if it is changed in any way at second reading it becomes “first reading again” and they have to come back at a subsequent meeting to vote on it. I don’t know if Anaheim does this or not, but in any event the 10/23 meeting should be considered an important one since they are empowered then and there to pass it into law. The right thing for them to do is to table it on the grounds that there are current challenges to the law and to allow them to do their own research as to whether there is a necessity.

With voting just around the corner (where ‘most’ of us can vote, unless there are circumstances in your life that prohibit you from doing so) I heard on the radio this morning that this week is “Freedom of Speech Week” … seems it doesn’t include everybody, in everything … does it?


Does this law include Disney as well?

It is nice to know that I can go to Anaheim and sit day and night in a park and never have a sexual assault happen to me. (sarcasm) Yet, this is the lie they sell the public to pass these things. It is a joke and a waste of so much time and money.

Please post the following information under “Action Items”:

Attention to all constituents who reside in the state of Illinois:

In the upcoming 2018 midterm elections, vote “No” for Anne M. Burke who is a Judge of the Illinois Supreme Court. Voting “No” means that Judge Anne M. Burke shall not be retained as Judge of the Illinois Supreme Court.

Anne M. Burke overturned the appellate court decision that struck down the unconstitutional law that bans convicted sex offenders from being present in all public parks in Illinois.

@Joe Yeah, surprised Disney Land has not made such a ban as Disney World in Floriduh has. Guess they cannot afford it as Joe states. LOL… Also great point on the we pay for these parks that we are being banned from. If I cannot visit them I don’t see why I should be paying for them. This shot is not going to cut it and every law or ordinance that gets passed like this is just shooting themselves in the foot. It is only a matter of time before their entire foot is gone and down they topple…. Joe, did you know about this Nevada case? http://cdn.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/opinions/2012/02/10/08-17471.pdf